This file, though somewhat fragmentary, displays journals and ledgers of the Whitworth College business office during some rather tumultuous times -- the period before WWI when the college moved to Spokane from Tacoma, Washington, and the period of the Great Depression of the 1930's. The records of the college bookstore provide glimpses of the student body -- what courses they studied. Other records showed how the college aided needy students by means of employment on the campus. During this time also, the concept of "living endowment" was developed -- the donor kept the principle and donated its earnings to the college. The business office records also give one a glimpse of the growth Whitworth College experienced during the decades of the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Financial records accumulated from the business office of Whitworth College. Though somewhat fragmentary, they offer a picture of the college during rather tumultuous times -- the pre-WWI and the "Great Depression." The records also offer a picture of the growth of Whitworth College during the decades of the 60's, 70's, and 80's.